Leaders are not born but are made by their experiences in life. To inculcate the leadership qualities in the students Investiture Ceremony was conducted on 4th July 2024 in the Campus Auditorium.
The Investiture ceremony was held with great enthusiasm and dignity as it was led by Mr.Rudra Goswami (English Teacher). The ceremony took its momentum with an inspiring speech by our respected Principal Sir, Shri Bitan Biswas as he congratulated the newly appointed young leaders and their preparedness to take up responsibilities entrusted to them.
Thereon, Principal sir administered the oath to the new leaders for the new session 2024-25 who pledged their allegiance to their school. The newly appointed leaders were conferred with badges and sashes by our respected Education Officer, Principal Sir, Headmaster & our senior science teacher, Mr.Jawed Equabal.
The newly elected leaders were brimming with confidence to shoulder their newly assigned duties and pledged to carry out their responsibilities with integrity and diligence.
The ceremony was enlightened with the motivational sharing by our Respected Education Officer who congratulated the new leaders and advised them to be impartial and honest in discharging their duties.He also advised them to be role models and work for the benefits of the students.
The ceremony culminated with a vote of thanks by our Science Teacher, Mr.Jawed Equabal followed by National Anthem.